Thank you so much to everyone's concern about the wretched headaches and responding to my begging bowl by offering to purchase cards. The head stuff seems to be down to a combination of stress and bad posture when working - I have been thankfully pain free this week, organising my life and sitting up straight. Two more designs being painted up for the Christmas cards and a goodly supply of bags and envelopes in stock.

We took the bike to Winchcombe last Sunday. It was shut. All except half a dozen tea shops.

Winding homewards through the newly ploughed Snowshill area, where leggy racehorses flittered about, warmly rugged up against the winds. The earth is resting.

...and we took some prisoners, later made into a sharp apple sauce. Lovely appley read here, go and be charmed.

The post has blessed me with cards from three corners of the globe - Higgledy Piggledy's delightful world, a little wood fairy dreaming in a woodland scene from dear Ms Robyn,...and September greetings from Tara (who is far too busy to be bothering about an old grump like me) also sending seeds which will be sown this month. She also sent this little sweet china heart, which has gone up with my lovely monsteroo from Becky. I am gathering a charmed work area, so that even when I have been esconced at my desk all morning, I can look up and know my friends are there, in some form.

BLOG NEWS - I have just taken part in an interesting survey about bloggers, by Sarah Pedersen, UK academic researching the blogging phenomenon, her own blog is here, where there are some interesting debates starting to happen, especially concerning female bloggers.
I will also be taking part in the UK mass blog, to create the 'biggest blog in history' on October the 17th, where as many UK bloggers as possible will write about their day, recording even the most mundane of details and particularly reflecting on the impact of history on their lives. All entries will be held as part of a mass observation, and will be kept for historians of the future to see what made us Brits tick at the beginning of the third millenium. Read all about it here, and join in!
I will also be taking part in the UK mass blog, to create the 'biggest blog in history' on October the 17th, where as many UK bloggers as possible will write about their day, recording even the most mundane of details and particularly reflecting on the impact of history on their lives. All entries will be held as part of a mass observation, and will be kept for historians of the future to see what made us Brits tick at the beginning of the third millenium. Read all about it here, and join in!